Earn Yellow Crystals
by Staking Agents
by Staking Agents
Use Yellow Crystals to Claim 20% $AVRK.
Earn Blue Crystals by Staking Agents.
Earn Blue Crystals by Staking Agents.
Use Blue Crystals to Claim 80% $AVRK
Earn Blue Crystals by Staking Agents.
Earn Blue Crystals by Staking Agents.
Earn Yellow Crystals by Staking Agents
Use Yellow Crystals to Claim 20% $AVRK.
Earn Blue Crystals by Staking Agents.
Earn Blue Crystals by Staking Agents.
Use Blue Crystals to Claim 80% $AVRK
Earn Blue Crystals by Staking Agents.
Earn Blue Crystals by Staking Agents.
Claimable $AVRK
Required Crystals to claim all
Event has ended
Event starts at [Date Month Year]
Allocation Details
Agents: The Heart of Verenia
There are 8,888 Agents scattered across the land. Holding an Agent is your key to unlocking benefits.
Let's explore why you need an Agent for this campaign!
Let's explore why you need an Agent for this campaign!
Verenia’s Blessing: 25,000,000 $AVRK
25,000,000 $AVRK has been allocated to each Avarik Agent (NFT).
The allocation varies depending on the rarity of the Agent.
You can check the $AVRK allocation of each Agent by going to Compendium
The allocation varies depending on the rarity of the Agent.
You can check the $AVRK allocation of each Agent by going to Compendium
Soul Crystals
In order to claim your allocated $AVRK, you need Crystals*.
Earn Crystals by staking Agents (NFT). 1 Crystal will be generated everyday at 0:00 UTC for each Agent staked.
*The amount of $AVRK you can extract with Crystal depends on the rarity of the Agents
Earn Crystals by staking Agents (NFT). 1 Crystal will be generated everyday at 0:00 UTC for each Agent staked.
*The amount of $AVRK you can extract with Crystal depends on the rarity of the Agents
Claiming $AVRK
After the TGE, you can claim up to 20% of total allocation from each Avarik Agent (NFT) by using yellow crystals.
The amount of $AVRK you can extract per Crystal depends on the rarity of the Agents.
The amount of $AVRK you can extract per Crystal depends on the rarity of the Agents.
Claiming $AVRK (2)
Unclaimed $AVRK and unused Yellow Crystal will be carried over to the next phase.
You can unlock the remaining $AVRK during the next phase.
Check our for more details!
You can unlock the remaining $AVRK during the next phase.
Check our for more details!
Q: I staked my NFT but did not earn any crystal!
A: We do the crystal snapshot at 0:00 UTC every day. If you held your NFT the entire day but sold before 0:00, you will not earn anything.
*You will not receive any crystal if you transfer or list your NFT for sale when it’s still being staked
*You will not receive any crystal if you transfer or list your NFT for sale when it’s still being staked
Q: How much will I earn per Crystal?
A: It depends on the rarity of the Agents you own!
Think of the Crystal as a key to your Agents (NFT), using it on higher rarity Agents will give out more $AVRK.
Think of the Crystal as a key to your Agents (NFT), using it on higher rarity Agents will give out more $AVRK.
Q: What is the difference between Yellow and Blue Crystal?
A: Function wise they’re the same! The only difference is the pool the Crystal extracts. Yellow crystal takes from the 20% initial claim, you can earn these by staking your Agents from August 15th to (TBA).
After that period passes, you’ll start earning Blue Crystal when you stake.
After that period passes, you’ll start earning Blue Crystal when you stake.
Q: What if I don’t use my Crystal on time?
A: Yellow Crystals have expiry date, Blue doesn’t. 1 Month after TGE (TBA), if you haven’t used your yellow crystals and $AVRK from the yellow pool, it will be converted into Blue Crystals and Blue pools respectively
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